当会が開催するスコットランドデーなどのイベントでピアノを演奏し、華やかに演出してくださっている会員の岩間靖子氏がYoutubeチャンネル「Seiko Iwama Pianist」で演奏動画を多数公開されています。
岩間靖子氏 プロフィール
4歳でピアノ開始。英国王立音楽院(Royal Academy of Music)大学院卒。英国の大学院で英語教授法(TESOL)を勉強中、偶然90歳位のご夫婦の前でピアノを演奏する。ご夫婦が20分くらい涙を流して下さった経験から、もしピアノの演奏を通して聴いて下さる方の心を癒せるならピアノを演奏したいと思う。カンタベリ―大聖堂など英国各地で多数のコンサートこなす。日本でも銀座王子ホールをはじめ、数々のリサイタルを行う。 クラシック曲の他、作曲を行う。
Seiko Iwama began learning the piano at the age of four. Originally, she went to the UK to study TESOL and acquire a MA degree in Canterbury. It was there that one of her performances of her own compositions had such an effect that one old couple were moved to tears for about 20 minutes. The lady said that Seiko's compositions were the most beautiful music she had ever heard. This experience inspired her to concentrate more on studying the piano.
She was accepted as a postgraduate student at the Royal Academy of Music in London. She completed her study, receiving a postgraduate diploma in performance of piano at the Royal Academy of Music and has also gained a MA TESOL in Canterbury.