
詩の朗読会のお誘い Invitation to Poetry Recital

Poetry Recital Charity Event on White Day in Tokyo
Come and enjoy the poetry of Scotland's national poet, Robert Burns, through readings by a Scottish performer, and enjoy the world of poetry together in English. A portion of the fee will go towards JSA scholarships for postgraduate students studying in Scotland.

日時: 2025/3/14(金)
Date: Friday, the 14th of March, 2025
開会 Open 18:30/詩の朗読講演 Poetry reading 19:00〜20:00/閉会 Close 20:30

場所: LEON
東京都千代田区神田須田町1-14-1ヒューリック神田須田町ビル1階 Venue: LEON
Hulic Kanda-Suda-Cho Building 1F, 1-14-1 Kanda-Suda-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

(2024年度JSA会員/学生)¥3,500 / (非会員)¥4,000

(JSA membership2024/Students)¥3,500 / (non-members)¥4,000

Includes venue fee, drinks and snacks, lecture fee and the scholarship. ※Can be brought in.

Capacity: 40 (first-come, first-served)
*If few people apply, the event may be cancelled.

申込み方法 How to apply:
○オンライン決済 Online Payment
決済手数料が別途かかります。※非会員の方でも便宜上「入会申請」より入力をお願いしますが、入会にはなりません。別途ご入会いただき、会員料金でお申込みも可能です。A separate system fee will be charged. *Non-members are asked to enter the membership application for convenience, but this does not constitute membership. It is possible to apply for membership separately and pay the membership fee.

E-mail: にタイトルに「3/14Event」本文に「氏名」「会員または学生の人数・非会員人数」「銀行振込み」とご記載ください。
by email booking application.
E-mail: with '3/14Event' in the title and 'Name', 'Number of members or Students / non-members' and 'Bank transfer' in the body.

申込み締切:2025/3/14 11:00AM
Deadline for applications: 14/March/2025
No refunds will be made for cancellations.
The content is subject to change. If the lecturer is unable to attend due to unavoidable circumstances on the day of the event, the lecturer's fees will be refunded, but drinks and snacks will be served at the venue without the lecture.
The bank transfer fee for refunds is to be borne by the applicant.
神田駅から徒歩2分 秋葉原駅から徒歩4分 小川町駅から徒歩1分 淡路町駅から徒歩1分

Performed by Mr. Jack McLean
Instagram: jackie_vincent13
Born in Glasgow, Scotland.
Glasgow School of Art graduate.
Lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.

Specializes in miniature oil paintings of vintage British and American motorbikes and associated sub cultures (Rockers and Hells Angels)
Makes short animation sequences based on note book drawings.
Produces miniature oil paintings of landscapes and castles inspired by the Scottish poet, 'Robert Burns' (1759-1796)
Writes and performs short stories with Dominic Skelton under the title, 'Dr Donald Death and Pipe Major Bones'

His latest project is titled, '36 Views of Tokyo Tower' inspired by Hokusai's '36 Views of Fujiyama' and Rivière's '36 Views of Tour Eiffel'
A plein air painting performance of 36 miniature oil paintings of Tokyo Tower.

Link to Video Clip of Previous Poetry Recital.mp4

毎年スコットランドへ留学する大学院生2名を選考し、一人20万円の奨学金をJSA年会費と寄付金により支給しています。About the JSA Scholarship:.
Every year two postgraduate students are selected to study in Scotland and are awarded scholarships of 200,000 yen each, funded by JSA annual membership fees and donations. オンライン決済より寄付ができます。Donations can be made via online payment.
